Pub. 5 2023 Issue 5

A Message From the President

Dear CNCDA members and friends,

As we embark on our 100-year celebration, it is a privilege to reflect on the remarkable journey we’ve shared as an association dedicated to the prosperity of California’s franchised new car dealers. Our dealer leadership’s collective efforts and accomplishments have shaped CNCDA’s history and profoundly influenced the landscape of California’s automotive industry.

A Decade of Achievements

In the spirit of gratitude, I’d like to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate some of the pivotal achievements that have marked our association’s journey just over the past decade:

  • Acquired the 1517 L St., Sacramento CNCDA Headquarters and thwarted a ballot initiative and bill requiring dealers to repair all recalls prior to vehicle sale.
  • Successfully challenged TrueCar’s illegal brokering of vehicles, requiring the company to change its business model in 2017. CNCDA also garnered a ruling from the DMV that the Care by Volvo program violated California, which led to dramatic changes in that program.
  • Secured passage of several franchise bills in 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2019 and 2023. Highlights from the dozens of provisions in these laws included the 2019 bill addressing retail warranty reimbursement for our members and last year’s law protecting dealers from illegal manufacturer competition against them.
  • Continued to lead a coalition to FixPAGA, the Private Attorneys General Act, by qualifying a statewide ballot measure for the November 2024 ballot. Dealers contributed millions of dollars toward this vital reform effort.

A Legacy of Dedication and Progress

Our 100-year celebration campaign isn’t just a reflection on the past; it’s a testament to the dedication and resilience of every member who directly contributed to the success and strength of CNCDA today. We take pride in our history and our members’ role in shaping California’s automotive landscape. From preserving franchise system integrity to ensuring transparent vehicle reservation processes, our association remains committed to protecting every franchised new car dealer in the state.

Member Engagement

I encourage all members to participate actively in our Annual Dealer Day (March 20, 2024) in Sacramento. This longstanding tradition and day of advocacy continues to be a powerful demonstration of our commitment to protecting the interests of your dealerships and the millions of Californians employed within them. Additionally, our upcoming convention in September in Kona, Hawaii, promises special events to celebrate our 100 years of success.

A Heartfelt Thank You

As we celebrate this milestone, I want to express my deepest gratitude to all the dealers who, across generations, have volunteered their time and effort to keep our association thriving. Your dedication has shaped CNCDA and contributed to the rich legacy of family-owned dealerships, which have been instrumental since the invention of modern automotive transportation.

In California, our franchised new car dealers play a pivotal role in enhancing the lives of our residents. Dealers are not just providers of vehicles but facilitators of freedom, independence and reliable means of personal transportation. In a state where driving is a way of life, especially along iconic routes (like PCH, the Silverado Trail and 17-mile drive, to name but a few), cars are more than just transportation; they are the keys to unlocking opportunities, jobs and the sheer joy of exploring our state’s beautiful landscapes. It’s about ensuring every Californian has access to safe, dependable and affordable transportation, a cornerstone of our state’s unparalleled quality of life.

A note too about the resiliency of dealers: For a century now, dealers have adapted to changes in technology and customer buying preferences, whether using computers, e-signatures, the internet or selling zero-emission vehicles. Dealers are ready to sell what our customers want to buy.

Thank you for your tireless commitment to serving all Californians and our association. We also welcome the next generation of dealers who will continue to uphold and enrich CNCDA’s legacy for years to come.

In closing, here’s to the next 100 years of collaboration and innovation. Together, we will drive the successful future of California’s franchised new car dealers.

Brian Maas