By Brian Maas, President California New Car Dealers Association
As I reflect on this year’s legislative session, I cannot thank our members and our metro associations enough for your support and engagement. We navigated a less than traditional legislative session this year because of COVID-19, which resulted in truncated processes and most subject matters being abandoned outside of urgent pandemic issues, resulting in an uphill battle. However, dealer participation remained strong, and the fruits of our collective labor, despite less than ideal conditions, paid off greatly in the end.
The support of our members over recent months, notwithstanding your shift in focus on keeping up with evolving health and safety orders and getting sales back on track, has demonstrated the spirit of this network during challenging times. With nearly 800 emails being sent to legislators on just one single bill, AB 326, the support from dealers and metro associations not only secured a significant victory with the defeat of AB 326 but underscored the commitment of this great dealer body.
As we’ve consistently communicated, the best form of advocacy is done through our dealer members. Your voice, your stories, your personal connections, and local pressure on legislators that represent your communities and businesses is incredibly compelling. Humanizing and sharing the very real implications of poorly drafted legislation during unprecedented times has been and remains critically important to our advocacy efforts.
While this year has been challenging on many fronts, I remain incredibly optimistic by the hard work and dedication I witnessed in recent months. The support across the board has remained steadfast from everyone, including dealers, metros, association leadership and staff. These combined efforts strengthen CNCDA to make a difference when it matters most.
With one big win this session and a few losses (see Alisa Reinhardt’s legislative update on page 12), I’m eager to work with staff and leadership to begin planning for next year’s anticipated legislative agenda. Given the times we’re in, it’s tough to say how things will evolve going into 2021 in the Capitol, but as we adjust to the new normal, CNCDA will be prepared to take on any opportunities and challenges that come our way.
Thank you to everyone in CNCDA’s dealer network who took time this year to engage on critical issues to protect California’s dealer franchise system. Our work and successes would not be possible without you.
Brian Maas, President
California New Car Dealers Association

Brian Maas
California New Car Dealers Association
This story appears in Issue 3 2020-21 of the California New Car Dealer Magazine.