The following resources can be accessed by members at

7th Edition F&I Compliance Manual
CNCDA is proud to offer our members an updated version of our F&I Compliance Manual (now our 7th Edition). This manual was created with careful insight and expertise from our association’s legal team, including counsel at Manning Leaver, with document support from Reynolds and Reynolds Document Services.
CNCDA’s long-standing relationship with Reynolds and Reynolds Document Services greatly enhances our compliance resources, including this new manual. Our relationship allows us to work together to develop LAW® branded F&I documents (some of which are in the manual) to help our dealer members manage their compliance risks. The excellent relationship between our two organizations has allowed us to offer the F&I documents found in this publication for use by our membership. We hope this proves a useful compliance tool and resource at your dealership.

2023 California Privacy Law Handbook
Earlier this year, the Consumer Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) became more stringent and now has the resources of an entirely separate government entity, the Consumer Privacy Protection Agency, to enforce regulations on California businesses. To stay on top of these new regulations, CNCDA announced the release of a revised 2023 California Privacy Law Handbook.
ComplyAuto played a significant role in creating this manual and also in helping CNCDA members understand their responsibilities while equipping them with the necessary tools to fulfill these complex requirements. These include a cookie consent banner, privacy policy, notice at collection postings, a consumer request portal, data mapping and employee training.