Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 1

38 Page 6 California Auto Outlook 0 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 YTD '12 YTD '13 YTD '14 YTD '15 YTD '16 YTD '17 YTD '18 YTD '19 Registrations Year-to-date totals Retail Cars Retail Light Trucks Fleet Cars Fleet Light Trucks BREAKDOWN OF RETAIL AND FLEET MARKETS Retail Passenger Car Registrations Likely to Decline for Fourth Consecutive Year in 2019 California New Car and Light Truck Retail and Fleet Registrations - 2012 thru 2019, YTD thru Sept. REGIONAL MARKETS IN CALIFORNIA Los Angeles and Orange County Retail Market Declined by 5% Data Source: IHS. PERCENT CHANGE: YTD ‘19 vs. YTD ‘18 (September) Retail cars: DOWN 10.2% Retail light trucks: DOWN 1.4% Fleet cars: DOWN 15.5% Fleet light trucks: UP 7.7% New Retail Light Vehicle Registrations (excluding fleets) YTD thru Sept. North and South California YTD '18 YTD '19 % chg. Statewide Total 1,320,274 1,249,092 -5.4% Cars 598,613 537,682 -10.2% Light Trucks 721,661 711,410 -1.4% Northern California 453,712 428,144 -5.6% Cars 194,075 176,956 -8.8% Light Trucks 259,637 251,188 -3.3% Southern California 866,562 820,948 -5.3% Cars 404,538 360,726 -10.8% Light Trucks 462,024 460,222 -0.4% Selected Regional Markets San Francisco Bay 258,901 242,849 -6.2% Cars 119,141 108,675 -8.8% Light Trucks 139,760 134,174 -4.0% LA and Orange Counties 518,360 492,485 -5.0% Cars 251,539 224,870 -10.6% Light Trucks 266,821 267,615 0.3% San Diego County 112,212 105,754 -5.8% Cars 48,168 42,178 -12.4% Light Trucks 64,044 63,576 -0.7% Percent Change in New Retail Registrations - YTD ‘19 vs. YTD ‘18 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA Cars DOWN 8.8% Light trucks DOWN 3.3% SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Cars DOWN 10.8% Light trucks DOWN 0.4% Data Source: IHS .