Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 1

25 officials at the AG’s office to determine whether a business has a compli- ant privacy policy on their website, or if a business is issuing required notices to consumers. So, what should dealers do if they continue to struggle with the CCPA? The following three items are worth considering: Use CNCDA’s CCPA resources. CNCDA published the second edition of its CCPA Compliance Handbook. The second edition includes over a dozen sample docu- ments, many of which are downloadable as editable Microsoft Word files on CNCDA’s website (www.cncda. org) under the “CNCDA Comply” tab. Dealers are encour- aged to use these resources. They are available free of charge as a CNCDA member benefit. Register for CNCDA’s CCPA seminars. CNCDA is hosting seminars on the CCPA throughout California in January and February 2020. Dealership employees tasked with implementing the CCPA at their dealership should consider attending one of these seminars. Seminar registration is available on CNCDA’s website ( under the “Events” tab. Talk to competent counsel. Many attorneys are offering CCPA compliance resources to dealerships. On the CCPA, I’ve worked extensively with the attorneys at the Arent Fox law firm, including Lisa Singer. The team at Arent Fox is a great resource if you’re looking for counsel to help guide you through the CCPA, but there are many other fantastic options. Secure your consumer data. A robust data security pro- gram is no longer a luxury for businesses, as businesses face enormous risk when their systems are compro- mised. Dealers looking for IT services may consider Helion Technologies ( , which is the CNCDA licensed vendor for dealership IT services. Regardless of which IT provider you use, working with an experienced IT professional is critical to ensure that your systems are secure. 3 Register for CNCDA’s CCPA seminars. CNCDA is hosting seminars on the CCPA throughout California in January and February 2020. Dealership employees tasked with implementing the CCPA at their dealership should consider attending one of these seminars.