Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 2

6 BRIAN MAAS President California New Car Dealers Association President's Message A s we begin to emerge out of what has been a trying and unprecedented time, I want to extend my thoughts to all of you, everyone from our dealer members and employees to our licensed vendors and sponsors. This year has brought forth uncertainty and unparalleled disruption for our na- tion, local communities, families, and, of course, our great industry. While CNCDA staff and leadership worked tirelessly to keep you informed with the most up-to-date information about the ever-changing state and local orders to help you comply early in the crisis, we have begun shifting gears and are looking ahead at how we can continue supporting you as we enter into a “new normal.” The hardships you and your businesses have faced — especially the decrease in sales and your workforce — have undoubtedly had a significant impact on you, your employees and your day to day operations. As we start to see slight rebounds in sales in addition to all dealerships across the state getting their sales operations back up and running, we are beginning to see the light ahead. We are confident that the spirit of the CNCDA membership and the industry will prevail. The commit- ment, participation, and enthusiasm over recent months from members continues to assure me that dealerships across the state are ready to get back to business in a safe, healthy, and prudent way. While many things feel uncertain in this fluid landscape, one thing is for sure, the California automotive retail industry will continue to shift and evolve to adapt to the new normal. This will, without a doubt, include your approach to sales, a height- ened awareness of health and safety and creative solutions that each of you are implementing in your dealerships aimed at capturing customers as consumers’ confidence waivers. As you continue to adapt, I want to assure you that CNCDA will be here to maintain our level of engagement and support by providing guidance on everything imperative to your business operations. On behalf of CNCDA staff, we cannot thank CNCDA dealer leadership enough for their guidance and dealer members who have continued to provide input since March, furthering our understanding of the situation on the ground. As current con- ditions evolve, CNCDA will continue to keep the most up to date information on our Dealership Coronavirus Resources page, including a Member Toolkit to help you navigate these times, keeping your customers and employees safe. CNCDA staff and leadership hope you, your employees and your families continue to stay safe and healthy during this time. We look forward to continuing to serve you both now and in the months ahead to foster the critical rebound in California’s auto- motive retail industry. We are all in this together, and CNCDA is here for you. 3 Sincerely, Brian Maas, President California New Car Dealers Association