Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 2

21 Anthony Bento Director of Legal Affairs CCPA Enforcement Is Here, and CNCDA Is Providing YouWith NewResources to Help You Comply W ith COVID-19 dominat- ing the headlines (and the workload for many compliance attorneys), it is easy to forget that the California Attorney General (AG) is beginning to enforce the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) July 1 2020. We do not expect that the AG will initially focus its scarce investiga- tory resources on noncompliance by dealerships (especially if a dealership shows a good faith attempt to comply with the law). However, consumer pri- vacy laws are not going away — if any- thing, they will expand in scope in the future. (An initiative further expanding California privacy laws will likely be on the November 2020 ballot.) Therefore, it is critical for dealers to appropriately prioritize CCPA compliance. To help dealers comply with the CCPA (including the final CCPA regu- lations issued in June 2020), CNCDA is again partnering with the Arent Fox law firm to create a new edition of our CCPA Compliance Handbook, which will include revised sample compliance documents download- able on our website through CNCDA Comply. The revised handbook and compliance materials will reflect our most current understanding of the law (including the recently adopted final regulations). They will also in- corporate feedback from dealerships throughout California. The Third Edition of the CNCDA CCPA Compliance Handbook and compliance documents will be available this sum- mer, less than 12 months after the first edition of the handbook was published. We will also be hosting a CCPA compli- ance webinar in late July or August. Make sure you’re receiving our dealer alerts, so you don’t miss these resourc- es when they become available. 3 CONCERNED WITH THE COST, COMPLIANCE AND SERVICING OF YOUR DEALERSHIPS’ INSURANCE? EPIC CAN HELP WITH YOUR BENEFIT AND BUSINESS INSURANCE NEEDS • CNCDA's only licensed broker for Health and Business insurance • The largest insurer of auto dealers in the state • The only broker with proprietary products specific to dealerships • 15TH largest brokerage firm in the nation We know dealerships have specific needs and issues, we are here to help. Please contact us for a free evaluation of your insurance and HR/compliance packages. © EDGEWOOD PARTNERS INSURANCE CENTER | CA LICENSE 0B29370 EPICBROKERS.COM Alison McCallum 949.417.9136 Eric Shaw 916.832.0958