Pub. 2 2020-2021 Issue 2

13 2020 Ballot Measure Update Jenny Dudikoff McLaughlin Director of Public Affairs and Marketing A s the November General Election quickly ap- proaches, there is zero doubt that it will be and is already shaping up to be an extremely contentious battle for the top of the ticket. As the nation reels in the largest health crisis in recent his- tory and civil unrest continues, it's hard to imagine that Californians will also be expected to vote on a number of ballot measures. Late last month, the list of California propositions was finalized, and it's not brief, with a total of twelve mea- sures qualifying to appear on the November ballot. Most notably for California's new car dealers is Proposition 15, known as the "Split Roll" initiative, would have a signifi- cant impact on commercial and residential property tax assessments by the state. Additionally, Proposition 24, also known as the "Consumer Personal Information Law and Agency Initiative," would significantly expand the already stringent provisions of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Additional measures that will appear on the ballot include: • Proposition 14: AUTHORIZES BONDS TO CONTINUE FUNDING STEM CELL AND OTHER MEDICAL RESEARCH. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Proposition 15: INCREASES FUNDING FOR PUBLIC SCHOOLS, COMMUNITY COLLEGES, AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT SERVICES BY CHANGING TAX ASSESSMENT OF COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. • Proposition 16: GOVERNMENT PREFERENCES. • Proposition 17: ELECTIONS, DISQUALIFICATION OF ELECTORS. • Proposition 18: ELECTIONS, VOTING AGE. • Proposition 19: THE HOME PROTECTION FOR SENIORS, SEVERELY DISABLED, FAMILIES, AND VICTIMS OF WILDFIRE OR NATURAL DISASTERS ACT. • Proposition 20: RESTRICTS PAROLE FOR NON-VIOLENT OFFENDERS. AUTHORIZES FELONY SENTENCES FOR CERTAIN OFFENSES CURRENTLY TREATED ONLY AS MISDEMEANORS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Proposition 21: EXPANDS LOCAL GOVERNMENTS' AUTHORITY TO ENACT RENT CONTROL ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Proposition 22: CHANGES EMPLOYMENT CLASSIFICATION RULES FOR APP-BASED TRANSPORTATION AND DELIVERY DRIVERS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Proposition 23: AUTHORIZES STATE REGULATION OF KIDNEY DIALYSIS CLINICS. ESTABLISHES MINIMUM STAFFING AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Proposition 24: AMENDS CONSUMER PRIVACY LAWS. INITIATIVE STATUTE. • Proposition 25: REFERENDUM TO OVERTURN A 2018 LAW THAT REPLACED MONEY BAIL SYSTEM WITH A SYSTEM BASED ON PUBLIC SAFETY RISK. CNCDA will continue tracking developments for the mea- sures which could potentially have an impact on our mem- bers and your day to day operations. For additional infor- mation on these ballot measures, please visit the California Secretary of State's website here: elections/ballot-measures/qualified-ballot-measures/. 3