Pub. 1 2019-2020 Issue 4

6 BRIAN MAAS President California New Car Dealers Association President's Message A s we settle into the last quarter of 2019, I reflect on the aggressive efforts we’ve taken on and the accomplishments of the year. I am honored to have had another year helping guide this association and nearly 1,200 dealer members through what has become an increasingly challenging business and political climate. It has certainly been a busy year. With successful efforts focused on AB 179 and improving California’s new motor vehicle franchise system, it’s important that we don’t lose sight of other vital efforts CNCDA has taken on and continues to make headway on, including: 1. Protecting the Dealer Franchise System • AB 179, CNCDA’s comprehensive franchise bill, passed the state legislature with unanimous bipartisan support and was signed into law by Governor Newsom. • The bill goes into effect on January 1, 2020, and will provide protections to the dealer franchise system by addressing retail warranty reimbursement, facil- ity upgrade protections, association standing, and additional protest rights for dealers at the New Motor Vehicle Board. It also provides dealer flexibility on digital service vendors. • Thank you to each and every dealer who provided support along the way; we could not have achieved this victory without your ongoing engagement. 2. Engagement with the DMV • CNCDA leadership and staff continue to prioritize efforts aimed at constructively engaging with the DMV on issues that are of critical importance to the dealerships you operate every day and the future of California’s automotive retail industry. • CNCDA has been heavily engaged with the DMV, including new director Steven Gordon and other DMV leaders. Through a series of meetings, we have discussed outdated regulations covering topics such as document storage and retention, dealer licensing, and vehicle advertising. • We are encouraged by these ongoing discussions with DMV’s new leadership and Governor Newsom’s determination to modernize the department to help both consumers and all California dealers embrace the digital age. 3. Wage and Hour Reform • CNCDA leadership continues to prioritize and support the association’s ongoing Wage and Hour Reform project aimed at addressing the perpetual wage and hour crisis that plagues dealers and small businesses across California. • With the research phase underway and nearly completed, we are looking for- ward to charging ahead to make progress on this front and find a solution that benefits dealers and small businesses statewide. • We remain focused on the political and legal viability for any proposal we de- velop to ensure that we will achieve relief for all California dealers.