Pub. 1 2019-2020 Issue 3

PREST STD us postage paid salt lake city , ut permit no . 508 This magazine is designed and published by The newsLINK Group, LLC | 855.747.4003 All new for 2019. More classes and more flexible schedules. If you had access to years of expert title and registration knowledge, wouldn’t you take advantage of it? Our Registration Management Professional (RMP) training program is designed for you to tap into that knowledge base. All of our classes, on-site training, and online courses inform, engage, and are developed to help you with every aspect of the title and registration process. Our expert trainers have years of DMV experience and craft each course specifically with you in mind. What is RMP? Sign up today for classes in your area. Vitu partners with CNCDA in developing and promoting RMP Training throughout California. 1517 L Street Sacramento, CA 95814