Pub. 1 2019-2020 Issue 1

18 Grassroots Activism: Why You Should Engage W ith a state the size of California and the sheer number of state legislators in office, making personal connections and getting engaged in grassroots activism is more important than ever. The 2019 Legislature now includes 61 Democrats and 29 Republicans in the State Assembly and the State Senate is made up of 29 Democrats and 11 Republicans. While this legislative makeup is far less favorable for California businesses, it makes it even more clear why grassroots engagement is critical to your busi- ness and the future of the industry. Grassroots activism is considered one of the most effec- tive forms of advocacy. It’s about encouraging personal conversations, deepening political participation, and driving change from the ground up. It’s when and where you as a business owner or an employee of a California business can make the most change. New car dealer- ships are located in just about every single district across California, meaning every legislator relies on your local car dealership to keep their communities economically and socially healthy. It’s no secret that doing business in the state of California has become an incredible feat and one that ultimately impacts your customers. Engaging in grassroots advo- cacy is a crucial step that can be taken to connect with your local legislators and encourage them to engage in a dialogue about priorities that are not only vital for the success of your business but to their community and constituents. In 2018 there were more than 140,000 Californians employed by new car dealerships, which means that all elected officials should be concerned with the state of our industry. Most people, including most dealers, are hesitant to become politically involved, whether at the local, state or federal level for reasons ranging from the belief that change is hopeless to disillusionment with the politicians themselves. The truth is that politics are a necessary part of modern life and in a state like California, have become a necessary component to running a successful business. When it comes to politics and policy, acting sooner is better than acting later. The earlier you head-off prob- lems, the easier they are to solve. Neglect the problems, though, and they only get worse. You may also hesitate to get involved because of time constraints, however CNCDA makes it as easy as possible for you to engage in an effective and time efficient manner. Jenny Dudikoff McLaughlin, Director of Public Affairs, CNCDA