Pub. 1 2019-2020 Issue 1

15 L ast year CNCDA and its members took on auto- makers in one of the most comprehensive and aggressive franchise legislation fights in the last 20 years. Assemblywoman Eloise Reyes (Democrat, San Bernardino) authored Assembly Bill 2107 to help California’s local businesses – franchised new car dealers – push back against the disproportionate actions of out-of-state manufacturers. AB 2107 took on issues ranging from emerging technolo- gies like subscriptions and online automaker competi- tion to retail warranty reimbursement rates and facility upgrades. As a result of our dynamic and thorough approach, the automakers activated over 25 Sacramento lobbyists to directly oppose AB 2107 and ran a multi- media campaign. Automakers also recruited their allies including the Civil Justice Association of California and the California Manufacturers and Technology Association to oppose AB 2107. Despite the overwhelming opposi- tion, AB 2107 received unanimous support in both the State Assembly and State Senate without receiving a single no vote. This result could not have been achieved without all the dealer members who supported AB 2107 throughout the process; your engagement and dedication to the future of the industry is critical.