Pub. 6 2024 Issue 2

REGISTER TODAY • Education and Training: CNCDA’s seminars, webinars and communications keep dealers informed about industry trends and best practices. • Networking Opportunities: Connecting dealers and industry professionals through events like Dealer Day and our annual convention. • Trusted Market Data and Research: CNCDA is committed to delivering trusted industry insight and analysis. California typically leads auto trends for the rest of the nation. It’s our responsibility to communicate and deliver accurate market data, serving as a bellwether for the automotive industry worldwide. • Sharing Positive Impact: We communicate publicly the everyday good deeds and positive impact dealers make in their communities. We showcase the vital role dealerships play in the state’s economic vitality, their charitable contributions and how dealers improve the lives of all Californians. For members looking to maximize CNCDA’s benefits, we encourage dealers to: • Stay Informed: Ensure you are receiving and reading our emails, monthly bulletin and alerts. Be sure to also attend our informative webinars. These resources contain crucial information about legislative updates/ requests, breaking alerts, how to comply with new laws and regulations, upcoming events and more. • Show Up: Attend CNCDA events like Dealer Day, New Laws Seminars and our annual convention to strengthen your dealership and our industry and to network with your peers. • Take Action: When we ask for your involvement in advocacy efforts (like making calls, sending emails and attending/hosting fundraisers), please take action. Your participation is vital in stopping harmful legislation and supporting measures that benefit our members. Don’t forget to join our Chairman’s Club and donate when you can to our public affairs campaigns and our PAC. • Make a Difference: Volunteer to help on our committees. Contact fellow dealers who sit on our Board of Directors and let them know you want to get involved in a leadership role. By staying informed and actively participating in CNCDA’s efforts, our members will help us continue to protect and promote California’s franchised new car and truck dealers into the next century. Thank you for your dedication to our mission. 27 California New Car Dealer Quarterly