Pub. 3 2021-2022 Issue 3

7 RS18001-CarDealerAd-jy04-final3-outlines.indd 1 12/11/18 1:28 PM are certified, the campaign begins. This will not be an easy endeavor, and it will not be cheap. This initiative will depend on the backing of the entire business community and the support from our allies to get this across the finish line, and dealers must serve as leaders and examples for other businesses. Over the past several years, CNCDA has worked to develop a strong coalition to push for a PAGA replacement that we believe can win at the ballot box. We have allied with CalChamber, the California Restaurant Association, and the Western Growers Association to lead this endeavor. We are working diligently to grow our coalition and secure additional financial backing, and the enthusiastic support of our members will be our greatest asset. This month, CNCDA launched a campaign encouraging members to financially support this cause and make a donation to the CNCDA Issues PAC. Raising significant sums will not only help fuel the campaign effort, but it will also send a powerful message to the trial attorneys that CNCDA and its members take this issue seriously and will bring everything we can to effect meaningful change. This will be a difficult road to victory, and we have an extremely tough battle ahead. But underdogs have faced greater odds and come out on top, and we remain confident that we can do the same. Thank you tremendously for your dedication; we could not do what we do without the ongoing commitment of our dealers. To make a donation or to learn more about our efforts, please visit 3 Raising significant sums will not only help fuel the campaign effort, but it will also send a powerful message to the trial attorneys that CNCDA and its members take this issue seriously and will bring everything we can to effect meaningful change .