February 8, 2021


A Look Back at CNCDA Significant Wins and Accomplishments

Strengthened Franchise Laws
a. AB 179 (2019). Overcoming significant manufacturer opposition, the unanimous passage and signature on AB 179 was a significant step forward in CNCDA’s commitment to a stronger new motor vehicle franchise system. AB 179 significantly strengthened and updated California’s new motor vehicle franchise laws by enforcing accountability for unlawful treatment by manufacturers, addressing dealers’ inappropriate treatment and conforming California franchise laws to recent actions in other states, most notably retail warranty reimbursement.

A Look Back at CNCDA Significant Wins and Accomplishments Read More »


Getting to Know Your CNCDA Chairman, Mark Normandin

I am a fifth-generation dealer. Our store’s roots date back to 1875, and I think we’re the fifth oldest dealership in the nation. So, my path was pretty much set — I worked at the dealership pulling weeds and washing cars in the summer during school, and I sold cars through college. That being said, I have a passion for this business. Going into the family business was always a plan for me.

Getting to Know Your CNCDA Chairman, Mark Normandin Read More »


President’s Message

As we kick off 2021, it is my honor and privilege to enter another year of leading CNCDA. This is my 19th year at the association and the 8th year as your president. As the years go by and the experiences continue to mount, I am continuously reminded of the importance of our core missions — advocacy and compliance. The uncertainties dealers faced last year with the pandemic only underscored our need to provide members with timely, thoughtful and accurate compliance guidance. I remain proud of our team and dealer leadership for taking on unprecedented challenges and remaining committed to bettering California’s automotive retail industry. It is with this valuable lesson that we plan to forge ahead into a successful 2021.

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